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Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

At Volkswagen Group UK, we’re passionate about creating inclusive workplaces with diverse teams that can thrive at work, are more innovative and creative, and ultimately make better decisions for our business and our customers.

We know that different perspectives and thought processes are vital as our industry goes through an exciting period of change.

We're proud of our achievements so far, for example being the only automotive company to gain Inclusive Employers' Silver accreditation, and being the winner of the Institute of the Motor Industry's inaugural Equity, Diversity and Inclusion award.

Employee Network Groups

Our Employee Network Groups are a platform for people to connect and celebrate everyone’s differences and similarities. The groups actively feed into our cultural agenda and help us in gaining new perspectives.

Our current groups centre around communities that have a unique perspective on life at Volkswagen Group. What they all have in common is a genuine desire to shape things across our business.

We Inspire

We inspire the next generation to live sustainability and consider careers in automotive.

We engage with young people across the country through our five dedicated streams, ranging from Primary schools, to Universities and Virtual Work Experience.

We are Parents & Carers

We are a supportive network for parents and carers. By creating a forum for colleagues to discuss their daily challenges, share tips and advice, and offer a helping hand we aim to create a family of families.

We Enable

We’re committed to creating a more welcoming, accessible and supportive environment that drives happiness and enables people with disabilities and/or who are neurodivergent, as well as those who care for them.

We are Driven Women

We’re empowering women to achieve their full potential and promoting gender balance across our business, particularly at a senior level.

We Drive Proud

The We Drive Proud (LGBTQ+) community is all about creating a culture of support and inclusivity where everyone can feel safe and accepted for who they are.

We Live Cultural Diversity

We’re passionate about creating an inclusive and progressive workplace.

Engaging with all of our colleagues, we support colleagues to share experiences and celebrate their traditions, ethnicity, race, culture, and customs.

We enable We are driven women We live cultural diversity We we drive proud We inspire We are parents & carers

Forum For.All

The Forum was created to give colleagues a clear channel through which to provide feedback to the business on a wide range of subjects. It is an impartial and confidential resource; a team which works through consultation to drive change, represent the employee voice and cascade key business messages as and when required.

Forum For.All

I was lucky enough to benefit from our extended paid paternity leave policy. It gave me the chance to be involved in things I might not have done otherwise, such as registering the birth. It also allowed me spend time with my eldest, helping her to adapt to having a new baby brother.

Ben, Group Commercial Services

Up until a couple of months ago, I wouldn’t have thought the carers’ policy would apply to me but caring responsibilities can creep up on you and one day you suddenly change from just being a daughter to being a carer. One in five adults in the UK are unpaid carers, so it affects more people than you’d think and we have great support available here at Volkswagen Group.

Tracey, Retailer Learning Services

I’m a massive advocate of shared leave. You never get the opportunity to spend time like this with your children again, and the bond I now have with my daughter is brilliant. We were able to go to classes and watch her grow and develop. I feel supported and engaged with both my work and personal life, and I’ve come back to work fully energised and motivated to attack challenges and achieve my objectives.

Alistair, Audi